Thursday, 27 February 2014

Week 5

Buudy Time

We also spent some quality time with our buddy!

We read to each other.

What a great half an hour spent together.

We finished off with the Kiwi version of 
if you are happy and you know it!

Week 5

This week we have had a great working week!

No interruptions, Yeah!

We have been working hard in maths learning different strategies to find the correct answer when adding and subtracting.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Week 4

UCOL Cooking School Recipe

Rice Pilaf (Sometimes referred to as Braised Rice)
(Ratio: 1 part rice: 2 parts water e.g. 250 ml rice: 500 ml water)
50 g butter
30 g onion, brunoise
125 ml rice, long grain
250 ml white chicken stock
salt & pepper to taste

1. Gently sweat the onion without colour in half the butter for 2 minutes.
2. Add the rice and sweat for 2-3 minutes.
3. Add the hot stock and seasoning and bring to the boil.
4. Cover with a buttered cartouche.
5. Place in a hot oven (200°C) for approximately 15 minutes.
6. Remove from oven and stir remaining butter through with a fork.

Week 4

Healthy Kai

This week we have focussed on healthy kai

We discussed the food pyramid and how many servings of each food type we need to have daily.

We now know our plates have to look like a rainbow.

We completed an art activity to see what we need to have on our plates at dinner time.

A Rainbow!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Week 3

What an exciting week!

On Wednesday we all travelled to the town pools 
where all of us competed in the 
Solway School Swimming Sports!

A big pat on the back to everyone.

photos to follow

We also had the opportunity to visit the
UCOL Cooking School
where Damien Peeti cooked us a delicious chicken breast accompanied with a 
side dish of rice and vegetables.


As soon as I get the recipe I will load it on to the class blog!

He was also very informative about what fruit and vegetables we should eat and how they help keep our body healthy.

We have written questions related the 
healthy kai topic.  Some of the children's 
questions were also answered.

A very informative morning.

The kids loved the large mirror which let us see what was in the pots.

Anxiously waiting .....

The end product.


Thursday, 6 February 2014

Week Two

This week we have been busy doing some creative pieces of art!

We have completed some self portraits using pencil.

Does one side look like the other side?

Some awesome Art Kowhai
Tino Pai!

The new 50 inch tv screen has also been put up and connected to the class laptop.

We have used this today using an ipad app that turns our 2D drawing in to a 3D image.

2D Pukeko

3D Pukeko

3D Girl Dancing

3D Shoe Jumping

Kowhai enjoying the new digital TV watching their art come alive.