Thursday 20 November 2014

Week 6


We have learnt about three different types of questions this week.

We wrote the questions about the boa constrictors.

Literal Questions
Inferential Questions
Evaluative Questions

We then made our own boa constrictors.

Friday 14 November 2014

Week 5

This week we have been involved in 

Interschool athletics
Fun Tabloids Afternoon
finishing our structures

Friday 31 October 2014

Week 3

We made catapults this week.
We had a competition to see whose catapult would fire a small sponge the furthest.  

We used paper clips, ice block sticks, rubber bands, a plastic spoon and other classroom items to make them.

The winning team was Angelina and Te Kaia.
Well done Girls.

Friday 24 October 2014

Week 2


Kowhai are enjoying our new topic of structures.

We have looked at structures around the world.
We have looked at unusual structures.
We have completed structure challenges.
We have talked about building specifications and engineering principles.

It is now time to build our own structures.

Here are Kowhai's Building Specifications:

  1.  It has to hold a weight of 5 wooden blocks.
  2.  It has to be taller than 10 cm.
  3.  It has to withhold an earthquake of 30 secs

Here is Kowhai completing a structure challenge using unifix cubes

Thursday 16 October 2014

Term 4 Week 1

What a busy week to start the term

Calendar Art
Roller Hockey
Jump Jam
Tararua Structure Competition

and of course learning ......

Thursday 18 September 2014

Week 9

Have A Go Afternoon

We tried three new sports on Wednesday

Week 9

Flower Day/Pet Day

What a great family event at Solway.

Enjoyed by all.